Monday 7 May 2012

The plan of action

The bones of an undefined plan, no flesh... But not fleshless...
What is achievable, but not predictable, take advantages of the advantages I have. Furniture stands out, but me without the credentials, but lacking credentials in all areas of generic design too. Although, the experience i do have and the unique angle i can create, potential. Taiwan has a highly technically skilled masses, but rehashing what is old and stale. A conveyer belt of what has gone before, unpolished, unstructured, and little or no UCD. Of course a generalisation, and no doubt some efficiencies here translate into refined UCD, numerous pop examples.
Without doubt there are opportunities here... A consultancy perhaps.
So what next?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Alley 47, Lane 160, Yùyīng Rd,Yuanlin Township,Taiwan

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